Preparing For Joint Replacement Surgery
When our patient is ready to the treatment of surgery, we highly concentrate more on our doctors and the surgeon. We explain detailed about the treatment what we are going to do for the patient. We give more important to the patient and their treatment before and after the surgery and make sure that our surgeon will definitely make your injury and pain cure permanently and feels comfort when you perform or work after the surgery completely. Joint replacement of the shoulder can relieve your pain and enable you to feel better with more active. Our surgeon will give a successful outcome and helps to recover your strength back with more active.
Our surgeon follows some set of protocols before the treatment of surgery they are:

Our surgeon conducts a general medical test before the surgery and thus examines your health condition of your body to make conform that your health will support the surgery for the best result.

The result of the test for the surgery is taken to the orthopaedic surgeon to have the surgical clearance before making the surgery.

Our Doctors may proceeds several tests which include blood test, urine test, X-ray in shoulder and also electrocardiogram (EKG) for making sure that the patient is only affected by the shoulder pain.

After the completion of all the tests, our anesthesiologist will meet our patient on the day of surgery to discuss and to explain and motive them.

Our doctors may ask our patient opinion and do the best for their needs well in advance before going to the treatment of surgery.

It is strictly requested to inform the doctors, if the patient is having any issues such as fever, cold or other illness before the surgery.
Before the surgery

Our doctors check our patent’s body condition and the health condition. And they are strictly not allowed to the treatment of surgery when they have these kinds of issues such as: Having diabetes and taking medicine for that and Taking any blood thinners.

Our Doctor will review the report that which is tested in lab and the report of X- ray and scan report and then sign the consent from the surgeon.

After the process of checking and signing the report documents, the patient is allowed to the treatment of surgery of shoulder replacement.
After Surgery

Will give more important to the patient who finished their surgery well.

Hand washing is more important to avoid the infection and the spreading of infections.

Making sure to have the proper look on the medicine given to the respected patient.

Patients are requested not to inhale any other medicine without the prescription of the Doctor who did the surgery.

Patients are pleased to have the correct order of having the medicine and the foods to eat.

Hope the best result, for all the patients who visit our hospital. Our Doctors have the confident, that our patient feels comfort and good without any pain after the surgery treatment.